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Karla Loeb

Chief Policy & Development Officer

Karla is a veteran in clean energy policy and business development. As the Chief Policy & Development Officer at Sigora Solar, Karla oversees legislative, administrative and regulatory efforts at the local, state and national levels, as well as coordinates and manages strategic development partnerships. Karla's clean energy expertise is extensive and diverse. Karla is an industry expert on issues relating to low‐to‐moderate income (LMI) access to clean energy and have resulted in the creation of LMI solar and energy efficiency policies in Virginia, Louisiana, New York, Mississippi and Connecticut. Additionally, on a federal level, Karla has worked to extend the federal Investment Tax Credit(ITC) and on a state level has worked with coalitions to establish and preserve net metering and expand third party financing and ownership policies in more than a dozen states. Karla served as a collaborator and contributor in the publication of the CESA & DOE Sun Shot's study "Bringing the benefits of Solar to Low Income Customers- A guide for States & Municipalities”, as well as the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab's "Energy Efficiency Financing for Low- and Moderate-Income Households" in which she presented the case for leveraging solar to increase deployment of energy efficiency specifically for low-to-moderate income households. Karla is a member of the Vote Solar Low-Income Solar Policy group and a former adviser to the Department of Energy's Clean Energy for Low Income Communities Accelerator (CELICA) group and the Obama administration's Clean Power Plan. She has presented on low income solar access at NARUC, Innovations in Clean Energy Finance IV: Market Successes and Lessons for Lower Income, as well as ACORE and SEIA-affiliated conferences. Karla’s clean energy experience also includes substantial utility scale wind and solar energy development including the development and construction of 1400+ MW of wind energy projects. During that time, Karla served as co-chair of the Central Texas WOWE chapter, now WRISE, from 2007-2012. Additionally, Karla helped to found both the New Orleans and Charlottesville WRISE chapters. Karla previously served on the board of the Gulf States Renewable Energy Industries Association (GSREIA) at which time she was a member of the planning committee and presenter at the 2017 Gulf Coast Power Association's MISO South meeting and the 2016 and 2017 SEIA Southeast conferences. Karla currently serves as an elected alternate on the SEIA Board of Directors advocating for expansive clean energy and distributed generation policies and a more equitable, diverse and inclusive industry.

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